Our Painting Process

Anyone can apply paint to your home but it’s very difficult to get a high-quality finish. We approach your project with respect and the right process so you’ll end up with a result that enhances the enjoyment and comfort of your home for years to come.


1. Requirements Gathering

Every Redemption home painting project begins with a guided conversation where we establish what the ideal finished outcome looks like.

  • Gather information on paint color, finish, and feel

  • Note special application zones and challenging application areas.

  • Establish the schedule and give you the right to request change orders mid-project as needed.

2. Prep for Success

The best quality painted finishes always start with excellent prep. Every home painting project begins with us taking care of your home with perfectly placed masking and coverage. This sets the stage for an efficiently run and expertly finished painting project.

prepping a kitchen for paint.JPEG

3. Project Management

We provide a highly available and attentive project manager for every job. You will always know what’s next, who will be on-site, and know you’re in good hands.

“I was blown away by Redemption’s attention to detail and absolute commitment to my job”